B&G Big Sister Bass
B&G Big Sister Bass
The Big Sister is the bass version of B&G’s renowned Little Sister electric guitar.
Handmade in Israel in small quantities, the Big Sister bass guitar is hard not to fall in love with. From looks to playability it is nothing short of perfect. At first we had doubts as to wether it is a good slapper/rocker or not, due to the semi hollow body construction, but once we plugged it these doubts became nonexistent! It delivers and in heaps.
The Big Sister bass is not extra heavy which makes it good for the stage, it stays in tune with no problem and really comfortable to play on.
It features a chambered mahogany body with a deep blue bursted figured maple top, mahogany neck, and old growth Indian rosewood fingerboard. The pickups are Aguilar Humbuckers (AG 4SD-D1).
The bridge was replaced with a high-mass gold plated bridge, but the original is also included.
Includes HSC.